In BETS, we're focused on offer solutions for Engineering, Manufacture, ans Services for the Automotive, Aerospace, Consumer goods, and Metalmechanic industries.


This days, Technology is present in all our life aspects, intended for make easy our every day tasks.  We recoginize in our industries this represents a continues challenge, speed new progress on technology becomes real, our customer requirements, business productivity, equipment and systems maintenance ... we'd like all this dynamics works for us, to be able to enjoy what it matters the most.  therefore, BETS is commited to offer this Solutions so this intention becomes truth. 

  • Vision

    Design, Manufacture and Sell the Best Engineering, Manufacturing and Automation Solutions  for our Customers; to become Industry Leaders by Delivering Value to our Customers, Employees and Shareholders.  We'll achieve this trough a strong discipline for excecution on our "BOS system" (BETS Operation System). 

  • Values

    Integrity, Leadership, Respect, Teamwork, Passion, Commitment, Innovation, Family. 

  • Goals

      1.  Be the best business option for our Employees, Associates, and Shareholders.

      2. Become the “Best in Class” for customer satisfaction.

      3. Become the most profitable cost center for North America Automation Business.

      4. Get recognition from customers as the “State of the Art forEngineering”.

      5.  Develop a Social Responsibility and Integral Bussiness Culture. 

Your team

The Team

You can lean on our professional core team, since we all are oriented to support you on your projects and needs.  Trough the years we've developed the infrastructure and logistics to provide the local support with the global experience you're looking for, with the best manufacturing practices from the industry.  We've worked for projects in companies that maked up the industry (GM, FCA, Tesla, Polaris), as well as their main business partners (Magna, Linamar, Adien, Amvian, Martinrea, Hirata, Hanwha).  Our main competences are the Solutions integration for Automation, Maintenance, Quality and Productivity for your Company.


Which is be the main challenge in your Company this days?  We'd like to get a chance to support you, let us help you.

Manuel Mireles

Entrepeneur and Success Ambassador

Santiago Moxo

Engineering Passionate

Abril Mireles

Administration focused